A 27 year old male presented to the OPD with fever and cough since 10 days
A 27 year old male came to the OPD with complaints of fever associated with productive cough since nearly two weeks. HOPI Patient was apparently asymptomatic two weeks ago. Patient developed a fever 10 days ago which did not reduce with medication. Patient was taken to a clinic near his house where he received injections for the fever. When the fever did not subside, patient was brought to the hospital 5 days ago. Fever is of continuous type with diurnal variations. Patient has associated cough which is productive with blood stained sputum. Patient also complains of left sided chest pain and pain along the left mid-axillary line since the onset of fever. Patient appears weak and mentioned that he breathes with difficulty. PAST ILLNESS No H/O diabetes, hypertension, tuberculosis, asthma or epilepsy. No previous surgeries. No previous blood donations. Patient was previously hospitalized twice: once for "stomach pain" 3 years ago, which reduced with medication; and...